What does the organic dill weed in Real Salt Organic Wasatch Steak Seasoning do?

Dill weed has a sweet, fresh flavor that balances the richer, bolder flavors in this blend.

You may know that a dash of dill weed can really liven up salads, seafood, vegetables, pickles, and potato salad. But did you know it’s pretty darn delicious on steak too? That’s why we included it in our Wasatch Steak Seasoning.

Dill weed comes from the Anethum graveolens plant and is related to celery, carrot, parsley, fennel, and tarragon. As with fennel and tarragon, some people think dill weed tastes a bit like licorice. We added it to our steak seasoning blend because it has a sweet, fresh flavor that balances richer, bolder flavors, like butter powder and red pepper.

Dill weed is a good source of antioxidants and nutrients, like vitamin C, manganese, and vitamin A. As a result, it has a variety of health benefits

We take great care in sourcing organic spices from companies that adhere to strict USDA federal regulations for organic food-grade products, and that includes our dill weed. The dill weed we use is also non-GMO and kosher-certified.

Want to learn more about dill weed? Check out these resources: