What changed in Re-Lyte Immunity?

Re-Lyte Immunity has a new look and a slightly different formula.

At Redmond Life, we’re always listening, learning, and working together to improve what we do. Through our learning, we discovered some simple but exciting ways to improve our Re-Lyte line while keeping all the features that make our products great. Here are the changes we made to Re-Lyte Immunity: 

1. The Label

The label has a sleek new design.

2. The Calcium

Re-Lyte Immunity now contains calcium carbonate instead of calcium lactate. We made this switch because calcium carbonate has better mixability, which provides a smoother Immunity experience.

If you have concerns about the quality, bioavailability, or side effects of calcium carbonate, we want to share some information that could help put your mind at ease. We only use the highest-quality, pharmaceutical-grade, purified calcium carbonate. You should also know that hydrating with Re-Lyte Immunity isn’t the same as taking calcium carbonate by itself. 

As Re-Lyte Immunity dissolves, the calcium carbonate interacts with the citric acid in our formula to create calcium citrate, which is the form of calcium that’s known to be most bioavailable and easiest on the stomach. You can learn more about why we chose calcium carbonate for our Re-Lyte products here.

3. How It Mixes

Thanks to the calcium change, Re-Lyte Immunity mixes quickly and easily. We were super excited to learn that this simple change would make Re-Lyte Immunity a whole lot easier to mix without adding anti-caking agents or other additives.