Is Real Salt Safe From Radiation? 

Real Salt has been thoroughly tested with a Geiger counter, and no radiation was detected. 

Ever wonder if Real Salt was impacted by the 1950 Nevada nuclear tests? It’s a valid question! But here’s the good news—Real Salt has been thoroughly tested with a Geiger counter, and no radiation was detected. 

Here's a closer look at why Real Salt is safe from these radiation concerns. When considering possible exposure to external radiation, most experts talk about these three factors:

1. Time: Radiation from events like the 1950 Nevada test decays rapidly. Most gamma radiation diminishes significantly within a few days.

2. Distance: Redmond, Utah, where Real Salt is mined, is 300 miles from the Nevada test site and 120 miles from the affected "down-winder" counties. This distance greatly reduces potential radiation impact.

3. Shielding: The Real Salt deposit lies beneath 20-30 feet of compact earth, and the salt we are currently mining is 700 feet deep. This natural barrier provides substantial protection against any potential surface radiation.

While it’s true that all soils on Earth carry some level of natural radioactivity, you can feel confident knowing that Real Salt has been tested. The radiation from the 1950 Nevada tests has long since decayed, and with Redmond’s distance from the test site plus the natural shielding provided by the earth, Real Salt is safe. So go ahead and season your meals with confidence.