Why are sodium and chloride listed separately on the label of Re-Lyte Capsules? Don’t they both come from Real Salt?

While most of the sodium in our Re-Lyte Capsules comes from Real Salt, some of the sodium in our Hydration Plus, Energy Boost, and Muscle Recovery Capsules comes from coconut water powder.

As you may know, Real Salt (like all food salt) is made from a compound called sodium chloride. So if it’s a single compound, why do we list sodium and chloride separately on our Re-Lyte Capsule labels?

Well, the FDA requires that all nutrition labels list the milligrams of sodium found in each serving. So we’re required to list sodium separately.

But there is one other reason we list sodium and chloride separately. While most of the sodium in our Re-Lyte Capsules comes from Real Salt, some of the sodium in our Hydration Plus, Energy Boost, and Muscle Recovery Capsules comes from coconut water powder.

By listing it separately, we’re able to give you the total sodium content from both Real Salt and coconut water powder combined, so you know exactly how much you’re getting and can make the best hydration decisions for your lifestyle and body.